大闸蟹过海关 This guy is in hot water!

发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27



Music: Kaibu by Killercat


Some words to listen for and related words:听力关键词

smuggle 走私

hairy crabs 大闸蟹,毛蟹

boil 煮

airport lounge 机场休息室

customs 海关

damned if you do, damned if you don't 不管做与不做,都有麻烦。

Today's question: If you were the airline employee how would you handle this very strange request? Have you ever illegally smuggled things across borders? 如果你是航空公司的这位服务人员你会怎么处理呢? 你有没有带过海关不允许带的东西呢?

两位主播是一对中美夫妻,B.E.E.其实就是Bo and Emma English! 每天此公众平台都会分享有关英语学习、中美差异、日常聊天等内容,练听力,练口语,涨知识!


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